Marlee Lynn Hughes was born July 4, 2012 @ 1:04pm. Our sweet little baby girl weighed 6lbs 1 oz and was 19 in long. She had tons of hair and was so cute and tiny.It was the best day ever and every new day with her just gets better and better. She is absolutely the most perfect,precious,beautiful little girl we have ever seen. Ryan and I can't stop staring at her. We are either laughing or crying because we love her so so much. Marlee is the most amazing blessing. I was going to write more in detail about my water breaking at 1am, my epidural not working, all the wonderful visitors, watching the fireworks, my wonderful nurses, her long toes like auntie Amber, the grandkids petting her hair, her 5ft poops, naming her after our grandmas, her grunting and smiles...but all I can think or say is She is such a Miracle. I get so choked up. She is so precious and perfect. ...We love our little Miracle Marlee forever and ever.